
Discipleship Training School

Starts September 22, 2024

The Kingdom DTS is a 6-month Christian discipleship intensive centered around developing your character and strengthening the foundations of your faith.

It is an invitation to bear witness to the Kingdom of God by coming as you are with your unique giftings, being transformed into the likeness of Christ, while being challenged and shaped by life in community.

The program consists of 13 weeks of lecture phase and 9 weeks of outreach.

Interested in DTS?

Submit the form below and one of our staff will reach out to you to answer any questions!

“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross." 

Colossians 1:19-20

Lecture Phase

Lecture phase consists of 3 months in a live/learn environment,  covering a wide range of topics including Character and Nature of God, Identity in Christ, Missions, Spiritual Formation and Reconciliation.

The goal of the lecture phase is to help you mature in the skills of processing and discerning. It  aims to equip you to step into deeper and more transformative faith in God. Alongside trainees from various backgrounds, you will learn about different topics regarding Christian faith. You will be invited to enter into conversations with speakers, your peers, and your DTS staff while partaking in day-to-day tasks. 

While the lecture phase is a time to grow in our understanding, it is also a time to serve the community around us. We want to continually put into practice what we are learning.

Finally,remember that this is a discipleship training school. We encourage you to be open to both encouragement and challenge.

Outreach Phase

The Outreach phase is the time to safely practice what you have learned, while simultaneously stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things you might have never done before. It is a time to be challenged and to let your heart be moved and your mind be opened by people that are different from you.

During the outreach phase, you will spend 9 weeks in one of our focus regions, partnering with local ministries and ongoing initiatives. We are not bringing God with us when we go, instead it is a time for you to partner with what God is already doing in these regions.

As a community we believe that we are far more effective when we have a commitment to ongoing relationships in our focus regions . These include Ireland, Lebanon, the Balkans, Rwanda, Burundi, Israel and Palestine, India, China and South Africa.

Kingdom DTS Core Values


  • Having an intimate relationship with God is essential for our daily lives. Through encountering God in prayer, worship, work, conversation and community, your relationship with God will be challenged, encouraged, and strengthened.


  • During the Kingdom DTS you are placed within a multicultural and multigenerational community. In lectures, you will be exposed to a wide variety of perspectives and expressions of faith. Beyond the lecture room, you will also be enriched around the table where we are equally exploring our faith in a safe space.


  • God made you unique for a purpose. His Kingdom and your passions are deeply connected. As you discover and develop your passions, we want to support you with resources, encouragement and opportunities that empower you towards your calling.

Meet Your School Leaders:

  • Leesha comes from a multi-ethnic family and has lived in many different countries. She has lived in Northern Ireland for over 3 years, working at An Cuan with her husband Harley, and their daughter Selah.

    She has always been passionate about Jesus but has been truly captivated by the beauty of God’s redemptive love when she attended her own DTS at An Cuan in 2019. The DTS drastically impacted her path and she felt for her family to return to An Cuan and to learn how to lead DTS’ herself.

    What truly inspires her about DTS is that it offers a place in which the trainee not only discovers who God is, but who they can become through knowing God. She is passionate about empowering christians on their path of spiritual maturity and character development, to be transformed more into the likeness of Christ, and to feel equipped to continue their own paths once DTS has come to an end.

    Leesha loves connecting with people over food, drinks, art, movies and girls’ nights, and is always up for hanging out as long as it doesn’t collide with her family time.

  • Erika is currently part of a pioneering YWAM team in Cardiff. She has lived at An Cuan before and is happy to be a part of this coming DTS.

    She has always been fascinated by people, how they function, what their different passions and personalities are and how God can use each and every one of them. That is part of why she loves DTS; being able to see people grow closer to God, closer to who He meant you to be and catch a glimpse of what He might be up to with you in the future. She loves to see people be set free and empowered by God. DTS for her is a start of this journey of getting to know Him better, yourself, your calling and how you can make Him known through it.

    Erika enjoys going for coffee with people and listening to their stories, going on adventures or watching movies and just spending time with friends. 

  • Dates

    Starting Date: September 22, 2024

    End Date: March 7, 2025

  • Cost

    Lecture Fees: £2385

    Outreach Fees: £1950

    (does not include airfare or visa costs for outreach)

  • Outreach

    Locations will be in one of our focus regions TBD

    Dates will be December 27, 2024 - February 27, 2025

  • Accredidation

    24 credits with the University of the Nations and opportunities to staff with YWAM worldwide.



Ready to take the next step? Follow the link below to apply now for Kingdom DTS ‘24!